Quote Enfield Exile="Enfield Exile"Wembley Park was The tube station used by United fans as that was where the Rag pubs were located, thus around 90% of fans on Wembley Way. A number of City fans were attacked while minding their own business. Plus United fans took pleasure in throwing cans and bottles at Blues who were doing nothing but walking to the ground.
It appears from your post that you think violence and/or intimidation is amusing. Maybe I have misread your post.
United fans emptying the stadium in record time
Having a laugh and a drink with United fans after the game
Bumping into an old school mate I haven't seen for 20 years while he hung out of a transit van at Wembley
Although Balotelli is a n0b, I loved his mickey take of camel gob
"We're Man City and we'll wink when we want"
Finding out Salford hammered Bradford'"
Haha! It's such a surprise that you have decided to post today
And for what it's worth, it wasn't 90/10 split and the ones that got done were ones singing 'munich' which obviously couldn't have happened as you've stated in the past.
£200+ million = 1 final