SATURDAY 19/9/09
Manchester Evening News
Sport Section: Page: 24
Stadium start before new year
SALFORD bosses expect major develoment work to start on the club's new stadium at Barton to start before the end of this year.
Reds vice-chairman Howard Clague today reveled all major parties involved in the multi-millon pound project are working hard to deliver.
He said: "Our partners Peel Holdings are fully aware of the Salford clubs's Super League franchise bid next year.
"They and Salford City Council are working extremely hard with us in order to make this happen. Everyone involved is fully committed to the scheme.
"Everybody wants to see the Salford club in Super League up there challenging. We are fully expecting work to start on the stadium towards the end of this year and things will then progress accordingly."
Clague has confirmed the state-of-the-art stadium will have a 20,000 capacity.There were plans for a college set-up to be housed within the development but this is now unlikely.
According to Calgue, the priority is very much making ure a stadium is built and fully operational for the Reds.
The vice-chairman addd: "Other developments within the stadium complex will be added in time as we work towards coming out of the economic recession. These have been very tough times and when you look around not many sporting stadium developments have been built lately.
"This is understandable but our own project will definitely take place."