Talau, anybody know when he is due back in the squad? and who will make way for him to return, I feel if he was in the squad on Saturday we would of gone on to win in the dying seconds due to his ability to break the tackle . On the plus side
=redDarrell Goulding looked a great prospect! Here's hoping he can show what he can do and stays longer than the initial month long loan. Also i think
=redSidlow is real rough Gem for us he showed great power going forward and quick thinking , if only
=red Myler kept hold of that pass we would of gone on to win but Myler is a diamond and a joy to watch! The young lads are the future of our great club.!

I hold my hand up and say i was one of the few who lost faith briefly at the begining of the season but as The whole of superleague is improving i feel we are going to get stronger and can't wait for the Bradford Home Game!