Quote puroresu_boy="puroresu_boy"https://www.nrl.com/news/2021/07/23/final-decision-on-world-cup-expected-next-week/
There are some good arguments in this.
Unfortunately the number of covid cases in the UK does give the NRL some kind of get out. You can't argue that the numbers don't look good.'"
The way cases are deliberatey conflated with infections is precisely meant to not look good. There is stastically hardly any coronavirus of any kind at this time of year, hence why respiratory deaths as underlying cause (when you don't falsify deaths) drop like a stone at this time of year. You only need look at the stats at ONS year on year, this is a classic Gompertz curve.
However the 'cases' keep rising due to the tests been used that are a weapon against humanity, hence the term 'casedemic' and now pingdemic.
The reaction using the 'cases' as the basis for it just plays the game of bowing to the projection of a pandemic/health problem when there is none, except that created by those saying there is a pandemic/health problem. The biggest issue right now is not just the toxic agent injected into people that causes influenza like symptoms - which are now 'covid' symptoms, in a significant number of those taking the jab (as per the manufacturers own data), it's the continued use of tests that cannot, and never could detect infection, hence you have casedemic, rising cases are in themselves utterly meaningless because of that, they indicate nothing except for the reality of deception and false health information by governments and so called health agencies.
So it's not surprising that the respective natinal rugby league bodies come out with a statement like that despite it been based on a pack of lies regards public health, they neither have the ability to grasp that cases aren't infections (even though this is obvious and the government never state that cases are infections, only the media), nor do they have the authority to challenge the narrative, even if they did they would be pilloried.
It also makes a bit of a mockery of having the jabs, surely if the reason for having them is to prevent 'covid' then you're protected right, otherwise what was the point exactly?
But whatever, RL is pretty much FUBAR with or without the WC going ahead, fans are losing intereest and income streams are dwindling faster than a nightclub owner post mandated jab for 'crowded' places.
If it still goes ahead and there are no crowds again, the tournament is going to lose a hell of a lot of money, there's no guarantee that next year is workable, fans will be wanting their money back. This is part of the regime/plan, to destroy society to coerce people getting jabs and 'booosters' and if businesses/community projects and wider public health falls by the wayside, so be it.
Cases will continue to be blamed on the unvaxxed (simply by changing the CT of PCR as is being done right as we speak, just read the CDC documents as to how you easily manipulate testing/cases for vaxxed v unvaxxed), and this is all part of the push to have everyone jagged up, rugby players included, even if that doesn't protect you, which is the paradox currently.
Play, don't play, I think a fair few ans right now actually don't care, the money I would have spent is going into what's left of grass roots rugby locally to me. If the pro game folds, so be it, but that will be on the tyrannical globalists, their lackeys and the people submitting to the insane regime. By complying, people have actually helped crush RL and everything else in our world.