Quote Cokey="Cokey"[/u
Now now Wrenners, it's your turn to have them
TBH - As much as i wish Fev all the best,especially for doing so well in the play offs , I just want to see Toronto in SL just to see how it all transpires. If it does go well, then great,you can keep em.
I've said so many times already that, both Toronto and Toulouse should have been "promoted" when we had the last restructuring, as you say, to see if it works.
Clearly, there was no appetite for this from the SL clubs, the governing body and most importantly from Sky and given that Toronto, apparently, are not going to take a slice of the Sky cake, it's just bewildering that as a sport, we didn't use the opportunity.
This not only would have allowed everyone to "test the water" but, also got rid of the ridiculous loop fixtures and if Sky were not willing to add 1/13th extra funding the, despite all the "increased investment and sponsorship opportunities" that we've been told about since Toronto "joined the party", it seems thet NOBODY actually believes this to be the case.
If the game had done this and the inclusion of these sides was something of a success then, it may have pave the way for other sides to join and if it had fallen on it's booty then, we could have reverted to 12 clubs or, replaced Toronto with Fev and Leigh in the top flight