First up, TV coverage is dictated by how much we want in the way of revenue for our rights and who is willing to pay for it. The "lack of TV coverage" is dictated by the selection of interested parties, or as I shall now refer to them, SKY. The BBC aren't interested, neither are ITV, or any of the other FTA channels or if they are, they aren't interested at the rate we'd expect to be paid. So we have SKY, who in addition to our million pound deal, also incur costs associated with 2 outside broadcast events a week as well as the cost of picking up the french games and who are now out #1 source of income.
SKY are a competitor of the FTA channels and therefore, the non-mention of a SKY TV Exclusive sport other than for finals and major games is to be expected. The BBC don't mention Darts when it's on SKY, other than to announce the winner of a's the nature of how TV companies operate.
Then we have the challenge cup and Sky's reticence to show any of the games they were/are entitled to. This decision, whilst puzzling to is, is made by people who balance the books at SKY and if there were a "gain" to be had in showing CC matches, they'd show them.
Now, my convenient map

It's more than convenient, it's 100% accurate in terms of top flight Rugby of either code in the British Isles. I also have one of France.......that's pretty convenient too

There's also one of Italy, that finishes of both codes European top flight teams...2 blue and no red dots.
Now, the crux of the matter. The people who make the decisions at Media outlets, be they press, TV , Radio or Web based are generally of an "ilk" that could be described as "comfortably middle class". These people were either born to this social status or they have aspired and achieved it and they like to be able to discuss matters with their peers that they have in common. Grammar/Public School educated, University degree from a red brick and all in all a nice volvo driving gymkhana attending bunch of Tarquins and Jemima's. Other than the Red tops, their readers are also of the same "aspirant" ilk, and as such want to be associated with sports that are themselves associated with the Rolex type sponsors, the range rover tail-gate pre-match parties etc.......the exception is of course soccer, which is just too big to ignore, but in the main, they will cover the ponies, soccer, ruggah, cricket and Golf......cycling is fast becoming another "golf" and recent British Success has elevated that to a decent amount of column inches of late. Tennis is yet another sport where the top British Players are from the "middle classes".......and I do say that papers will always print what their readers want to read.
So, you're angst against the Media is actually an age old battle between the classes. Like it or not, Rugby League is considered a Northern Sport and whilst there is now lack of money in the North, it's still the North and therefore not aspirational.....especially when it comes to the readers of the Broadsheets and non red tops. You rather sweepingly declare that successful sides all over the country would make little difference, when in reality, if SL mirrored the current Premiership football geography and attendances, it would get more doesn't.....see my convenient map!
What you fail to understand and what is often ignored is that Televisually, the BBC show the Challenge Cup final......but no Union domestic finals, no domestic soccer finals. They will fight tooth and nail for the soccer at international level, cover the 6 nations only in ruggah and they currently have international League. They showed 5 England RU games 2013 and 5 England RL games. 2014 saw all 3 England RL games covered and only 5 of England Unions 11 covered. The BBC give as much coverage to England RL as they do England RU.........that fact that more people tune into watch the Union isn't their's that aspirational class thing again!
More people watched the 2013 autumn international friendly between Ireland and New Zealand on the BBC than watched England lose to the Kiwis on the BBC the day before....I could wax lyrical about the class struggle some more if you like, but I'll give you a while to digest this fact.
You're welcome!