Quote Hopie="Hopie"Face it, the way Wigan played the game last year was boring* to watch,
*That many Wigan fans dont know the difference between entertainment and scoring lots of points shows them up for the know nowts they are'"
I think it's you who is being shown up as knowing nowt. How many times have you walked away from a match where your team scored lots of tries and said "That was boring wasn't it?"
Last year Wigan were superb in attack. Flowing moves, spreading the play from wing to wing and scoring plenty of tries. That is why Wigan fans keep mentioning scoring lots of points.
Because the way we scored them was ENTERTAINING to watch! If they were boring 5 drives and a grubber kick, or stick it up your jumper and let a prop fall over the line we wouldn't keep harping on about the number of tries we scored. Even I'd be bored watching that all the time. But they weren't. They were entertaining for us to watch.
Maybe it's just boring for fans of lesser teams to watch Wigan scoring so many times against them, whilst they can muster nothing in attack. Back in the season that teams were beating us easily every week I was bored. The only thing that kept me going in some matches was singing with all the wigan fans "always look on the brightside" but I bet those opposition fans were entertained and enjoyed the match when they scored so many tries.
And with the defence last season, yes there were wrestling tactics used to control the player hitting the floor, but there were also massive hits, ferocious tackling and dominant sets that didn't let the opposition make more than 20 metres sometimes. Again, watching some of those hits go in was ENTERTAINING. (Seeing a pattern yet?)
The one that annoyed me the most about this moaning last year was Kear, when he said "it was like watching paint dry". In that match we'd scored a few length of the field tries, and our attack was a joy to watch. Yet because he can't coach to any standard that even comes close to what he saw Wigan do, he spits the dummy out and says it was boring. He sounded just like a little child who loses badly at a game saying "I didn't want to play anyway, it's a stupid game!"
Anyway, yes I've had a bad day and that is the end of my rant. I'm going for a brew to calm down