Quote Serge A. Storms="Serge A. Storms"You want to try reading your dribble - boring would be an understatement!!
When did you last post anything that didn't contain some personal criticism of the post you are responding too? Completely unneeded but makes you feel like a big man and helps you overcome your inferiority complex?
Nobody takes you seriously - you have a massive chip on your shoulder - I have stated on another thread why I think that is
Because it was you, you troll.
Define "anyone". Trolls excluded...
When people talk shy te and appear genuine, I will give them the benefit of the doubt.
When they repeat it constantly like you, expect it in the neck.
As for your last line, pal, anytime you want to get them out on the table, just name the time and place...I am sure the amount of Pimms you have drunk has shrunk yours to acorn status - from thimble status originally.