[url=http://www.itv.com/news/calendar/2018-06-29/keighley-cougars-bosses-reveal-cash-strapped-rugby-league-side-came-close-to-folding45k needed to finish season[/url
Keighley have come close to going bust, offered restructuring payment plan to players and staff, and apparently only have £34.23p in the bank!

Two players already moved on elsewhere.[i
"We are releasing this statement to inform all involved with the Keighley Cougars that we recently came within hours of going out of existence. The reason behind this is our now former Chairman, Gary Fawcett, is currently reluctant to sell his shares in the club thus blocking any proposed takeover of Keighley Cougars and causing the club financial hardship. As of the 29th June 2018 after paying players contract payments, the club bank balance currently stands at a sum of £34.23. This means as an estimate, in order to see out the 2018 season we would be looking at investment within the region of £45,000. This can come as a direct result of investors wanting to invest in the club."
The Rugby Football League have now made it clear to clubs such as ourselves, Barrow and Whitehaven that there is no longer a pot of money available to save these community clubs and although they will support with the advice and professional administration that they are looking for a return on investment for all clubs in the professional game. As a club we need to bear in mind that from 2021 that the Super League will be taking over Rugby League and the proposal is that there will be 20/24 clubs forming a Super League and a Super League 2 with those not involved being moved to the National Conference League as an amateur club". [/i
Following on from Barrows announcement and whitehavens ongoing problems, and with future funding in jeopardy what is future for semi pro RL? I suspect we'll end up in the medium term at only two leagues with one SL and one semi pro, but with the semi pro missing some historic names.
Don't wish it on any fans, even Keighley, genuinely hope they find a solution.