Quote Judder Man="Judder Man"It very much suggests that the RFL guidelines for COG tests on rare incidents (Ben Flower) like these are not suitable for possible brain damage occurrence. Lance didn't play a full impact game until nearly 4 months after the event and if he had any serious concerns he would have retired by then with or without any club medical advice, instead he alone decided to "man up" and play but got concussed in his first competitive game.
At the end of the day he didn't have this problem before the grand final and[u the root clause is Ben Flower who was very close to creating a fatality and a manslaughter charge,[/u that could be in the back of his mind for the rest of his career.
We wish Lance well whatever course he takes, no one should go through such downward forced impact on the skull whilst unconscious.'"
Steady! You know this for sure do you? If not I'd be very careful if I was you. Best to keep out and leave them to it. We should stick to the game, and not get too deep in the legalese.