Keighley Cougars v Oxford RLFC
Referee: Brandon Robinson
Touch Judges: N Woodward J Butterfield
Reserve Referee: Reece Rhodes
M Com: C Morris
Referee: Brandon Robinson (Dewsbury and Batley)
28/02/2016 - Oxford 22 Lock Lane 37 (Challenge Cup) - penalties 10-8 in favour
11/06/2016 - Coventry 48 Oxford 10 - penalties 7-9 against
07/08/2016 - Oxford 46 Hemel 10 (penalties 11-11)
12/03/2017 - Oxford 6 Workington 20 (penalties 10-17 against)
06/05/2017 - Toronto 62 Oxford 10 (penalties 10-11 against)
In general refwatch is positive towards referees. We know it’s a difficult and thankless job, and the game can’t take place without them. But positivity takes a backward step when we get Brandon Robinson against a northern club. Let’s see how he goes this time.
Touch Judge: Nick Woodward (Warrington)
Was a touch judge in our home game against All Golds last season and at the away game in Cheltenham in 2014. This is him sightseeing at York Minster before a recent match appointment. Not sure what he will find to look at in Keighley:
Touch Judge: Jamie Butterfield (Warrington)
Has been a touch judge at this level for two years, but this is only his second Oxford game running up and down the line, the other being the League 1 Cup game at Barrow earlier this season. Previously he had been reserve referee several times. Like all the best people, he is left-handed.
Reserve Referee: Reece Rhodes
Young official making his first appearance in an Oxford game.
Match Commissioner: Colin Morris (Huddersfield)
Fourth time as match commissioner, the last being the 2016 trip to Coventry. He’s a former referee from the 1980s and 1990s, and the biggest game I can find that he refereed was the 1990 Premiership final at Old Trafford. He is also notable for once refereeing a Super League game and not awarding a single penalty. This is him in charge of Batley v Wigan from 1995: