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| Actually a bit disappointed by it. Think the start and introduction takes too long and serves no real purpose (those clips of rioting at the start have zero to do with the story), I know you need to set the scene for later but still too long - the one loss they make an effort to talk is the 2005 CC seemingly only to give airtime to Kath. (Why not the 2003 CC or 2005 GF???)
The Sinfield being dropped issue I think is over exaggerated, they make it sound like he was dropped for a significantly time when really it was two games and McDermott even says he told Sinfield we'd need him if we were to win the GF so hardly kicked to the curb like they tried to portray and I'm actually a bit surprised/disappointed by Sinfield's comments.
Someone earlier was critical of McDermott, why? Yes he's obviously made tough and unpopular calls.....hell that's coaching, do you think Alex Ferguson made popular calls every time. One thing Sinfield says that does hold true, "if you look at both sides of an argument the truth is probably somewhere in the middle" and I think most times people haven't been prepared to even look at McDermott's POV.
For all the criticisms of McDermott being an egotist, he again puts credit down to the players. Could've easily taken the credit for the Hudds game but he admitted he couldn't give Sinfield a decision on whether to take the two, he gives Sinfield ALL the credit for getting himself back in the team and freely admits he was poor/clunky when in discussions with Burrow over the years and never truly handle it well. Also Sinfield said if he could pick ANY coach to come in when McLennen left it would've been McDermott, so the theory that it was a cheap choice by GH looks stupid.
Previous GF's wins are glossed over quickly "they won the GF in 2011 and 2012". Doesn't even tell half the story of those years or lay the platform of why winning the LLS (which they build so much later) was significant...a casual or non RL fan won't know the significance of that team landing the LLS in 2015. Those other GF years and and even the 2015 CCF and post losing streak is rushed through yet we get plenty of JJB....who god bless him he's a great servant and he's obviously helped put this film together, but his personal story shouldn't prioritise over significant events. His being involved in the films development hurts it's as they focus too much on him.
One thing I'm really disappointed by is the Hardaker part. Firstly he/they say it was the 2014 4 Nations and the fallout made him train hard in preseason and lead him to a great 2015. That's nonsense, it was the 2013 WC and a few more incidents happened after that that they club had to really defend him from. Absolutely zero mention of one of the key issues of 2015, Hardaker's attack on a student that saw us close to sacking a key player. No talk of how his teammates/coach/GH felt or dealt with the issue. Massive missed bit out of it.
Making no mention of how the 2014 season finished (until much later on briefly after the 2015 CC F clips) or how significant it was to finally land the CC was quite poor as it was significant in how we approached 2015 if you recall some of the interviews at that time.
Basically no point in Briscoe, Hall or Ward being in it and their's a clear difference between those who have left the club and those who are still there with how freely they speak and it shows that something like this should be done further in the future when everybody has moved on.
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| How much do you think Match Footage costs? I'd bet not much at all. The Golden Decade DVD had all the tries from all the winning finals 2004-2014.
Its probably not a bad thing making this now but there's also clearly space for a 'Golden Generation' DVD down the track. I'm not sure why anyone would expect any serious revelations in this sort of production, especially with so many involved still at the club.
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| All the match footage is available elsewhere, and the point of this wasn't to simply go over what happened on the pitch.
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| Wasn't blown away by it, but did find it very emotional in parts.
The bit with Sinfield "counting down" till the end of the season was a particular eye opener.
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| Just watched this. Recommended viewing for anyone feeling down about recent performances.
I thought it was a pretty decent production overall. Not so bothered by the lack of action. Some really moving stuff.
My wife's favourite moment was the bit where JJB likened himself to Thomas the Tank Engine, questioning whether he was still 'a really useful engine'... It could have done with more moments like this (JJB makes another interesting/amusing insight about Sinfield being the priest and Peacock being the King...).
Of course, JJB's comment raises the question of how many of the current crop of players (and coaching staff) consider themselves to be 'really useful engines'... I guess we'll find out in the coming weeks.
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| omg, does it deserve this minuscule min by min detail? take it for what it is which is a story about one if the greatest seasons we will ever see. As a Rhinos fan, the behind the scenes insight is fantastic, the revelations from Rob and Kev equally so. It is dumbed down for the non-RL followers and that is fine, we need more people following this sport. Please enjoy it for what it is.
I am sick of this constant hammering of the club. If you are a fan enjoy, if not then off back to Leeds United.