HOPIE quote---"the RFL needs money and fans to attend these kind of events, the world cup in this country will only succeed if people attend, there is an unfortunate culture in Rugby league to look for an excuse not to attend, not attend games, and moan about low attendances
another is to say this event or that event has not "worked" becasue it it is not perfect straight away, if you dont persist and give up then it has failed
in what way has Magic not worked/failed?"
Totally agree with this comment,RFL isnt a cash rich sport and needs to generate income streams for sure.
However there will always be events that people wont like in principle(against their personal ethos of what a sport should do).
Some people dont like change in principle.Heck i have friends who still wont even attend feb/march/april SL matches since SL 'went to blooming summer'

Many have a limit to how much RL they want overall too.
Comfort zones..many people dont like travelling to a match.They can get to wembley/cardiff as neutrals for CC but a similar distance to cardiff was out of the question for MM.Some are positively LUDDITE in rejecting something new.
But while RFL have in some ways percevered with this longer than some ideas its unfortunate that the positive spectator results still havent occured.Its ironic no one seems to have made sufficient prominence of the RFL's ineffective management of the schemes.We have had criticism since first in Cardiff about lack of visible promotion this was still evident in Edinburgh this year.HOW will these 'locals' experience the game?Wheres the learning curve of experience in that?You must work on encouraging fans to feel included in new ideas,such dumb adverts as 'wackyweekend' i feel singularily fail on that.cut price tickets is not the single factor.
Could any on this forum who went to the old premiership finals at OT recall how that multi match event went?was it full all the time or was there a tidal effect of fans match by match?Choose a Big or small stadium on experience i have had alot dont have the interest in more than their own fixture.A factor that does effect atmosphere.You could argue a ticket bought is the £££ end of it of course.
Of course OT was no where near full for the first GF and many felt it would never take off.
Although i wont agree on after 2 years experience is that Murrayfield is the place i would choose to sit for a day or two.And i cannt say the environs of it can compare with cardiff if you/wife/children want to wander out for a bit.
I suggested the CC as an alternative because this topic is brainstorming the subject and i accepted it wasnt a perfect solution .