Thank you McLaren I know you ? Lol
Andy Gilder wrote:Head High, don't read this. Wouldn't want to upset you.
You used the apostrophe at the end of scientists which you were expressing as a plural. The apostrophe only comes in to indicate ownership, e.g. the rocket scientists' lab coats.
The second sentence went on to pose a question, but was completed with a full stop rather than a question mark.
Small points, but accuracy costs nothing.[/i
You're a man after my own heart....the apostrophe seem's (lol) to have become such a bl**dy problem for so many people....and yet it's so simple. You forget to mention it's also used to indicate missing letter or [iletters[/i (very much here [ino[/i apostrophe), but not if [iit's[/i to show [iits[/i lack of presence in a plural