Quote bigalf="bigalf"Glad to see you keep your eye on us. BTW you have changed your avatar I see
My beef all along has been with the process of the scheme (Ask I_A) and the greenbelt issue. I and many others would have had no problem with a new stadium at Newmarket.
Good Luck!
Let's get something straight, we aren't talking about the Yorkshire Dales or the Chilterns, this is a former pit left to recover after years of mining.
Having walked over parts of this site, it is only green belt in name alone.
Secondly there will be a net gain in the district, so we aren't actuall losing anything but gaining.
Sporting facilities are allowed on green belt as far as I am aware, so it makes sense to allow the infrastructure needed to make it work also.
I really cannot understand any genuine beef you have.
The SOS seems happy enough following a lengthy inquiry with some conditions, so I can't see why you can't be, unless.................