Quote The Doctor="The Doctor"Many thanks for that update, much appreciated. I was hoping to attend, but couldn't make it, so this is a welcome report!
Nice to see some relative positive news in there...I notice on the other forum that someone mentioned an a little more depth the situation regarding the "announcement" on the stadium in a few weeks time, hopefully that will go through positively.
The recurring theme to me is the money we need to break even. Clearly we, along with 90% of other Super League clubs run to a stringent budget, and I'm sure this explains the reason we are relying on juniors and younger players coming in/re-signing as opposed to paying out big contracts on players we can't really afford. Unfortunately most fans want the latter, but we've got to appreciate that it's not something we can really afford to do with an expected 300k loss! I can definately see why we put our vote towards the Betfair cash option now. A good cup run and the play offs would be nice to help swell the coffers too.
I guess this reiterates the importance of trying to attend home games for the casual/non season ticket holder fan...I think with the financial position, along with the new stadium on the cards, we could really do with getting down and taking as many friends/casual supporters along to hit that average figure (which does seem a little optimistic to me). The 10,000 figure for the proposed Glasshoughton is also quite optimistic too. The first season there I'm sure we could achieve that due to the "new factor" tied with the curiosity of away fans, though after that, we'd definately be relying on on-field success to hit figures like that.'"
Good post, was thinking along similar along similar lines myself, i wonder if he break even figure is just relying on ticket sales, are corporate sales included? presumably we will host some international games, cup semis and nl grand finals so has that been included?
Is the break even figure for if we spend full cap (most times when this sort of figure is mentioned it is)?
I wonder how much info we can get from salford about costs as they dont own the ground and dont make money from beer sales etc, so our income should be much larger (how much money are salford losing?

Good news that we should be getting a signature from the buyer soon, would guarantee us another licence after this one if we get our stadium by 2014.