Quote smoking monkey="smoking monkey"From comments previously attributed to Mr Glover I perceive he knows little about RL and only marginally more about WTWC. If that is the reality he is probably trying to get up to speed with an over-reliance on others who in this instance may be using him like a ventriloquist's dummy to regurgitate old views because he hasn't had time to formulate any of his own.
However am I alone in worrying that on the basis of recent (non)developments we will still come second in the stadia race even if Wakey are 3 years away from building theirs. In the [ucurrent climate[/u I rate our funding gap to be a bigger obstacle than the NM public enquiry and RW's strategy looks to have been one of gambling on Wakey's plan to come unstuck rather than materially moving ours forward.
I see a situation evolving whereby Wakey get NM built while in the Championship and we continue pretty much as we are. Come the next round of license applications that would be manna from heaven for the merger lobby.'"
But you see the current climate has a massive impact on whether NM will actually see the light of day. More empty commercial units anyone??
Ask yourself what is most likely to happen, housing company decides to cough up for WR (and in the next few weeks thats all we'll be waiting for), or wait for the SoS to give to go ahead, apply for Outline PP, then apply for Full PP, then hope for an economic upturn to make building of commercial units viable, which in turn would pay for a shiney new stadium.......................
I know who my money is on!!!