Personally think that you lot have had a great season and have been an absolute cash-cow for me,so much so that I'll be flying to Barbados whilst the game is being played.
a lot of credit must go to terry Matterson,whom it seems has kept his feet on the ground,when a lot of others have been panicing.Basically,hes done to Cas what Karl Harrison did at Salford,namely 1st season find your feet and pick your games to go all out in.The 2nd season,just play RL and its worked.
The basis of a very classy ouitfit is in place.In Shenton,Chase,Sherwin and Westerman,positional-wise they are as good as any other in sl,the main problem looks to be the squad size and being a bit light-weight in the forwards.sort out the pack and top 6 next season is a definate reality.
now for something,that many of you,may not realise.take away that gimmick MM weekend and you've only lost 3 games away from home all season,joint best in sl along with Huddersfield.If your home form matched the away form,you'd have finished 2nd!!
I'll be backing Cas on handicap (expecting +10) and 5/2 on the outright and will be expecting to pickup my winnings a week on monday,when I return home