Over the last 20 years there have been very few occasions when I have been embarrassed to be a Cas fan - last night was one of them.
The performance on the field was appalling - an apparent lack of effort from most parts, a defence that can only slide one way (and poorly at that) and a mauling from a team that have "hit the gas" at the right time. No disrespect to Leeds - they played faster, thought faster (try on last tackle etc) & had a desire that was definitely lacking in our players. There were certain individuals who, from the kick off looked as though it was a kick about in Ponte Park - are we back to paying a certain Australian to toss it off for example? However I firmly believe that every single one of the players should hang their heads in shame after that performance.
Rumours are rife off the field of alleged "cash problems", players being asked to take pay cuts and the pull out of the Wheldon Road buyer hence no new ground and no Super League status in 2011. RW and his BOD are making no attempts to quash these rumours hence "fuel to the fire" springing to mind.
And finally, I am becoming embarrassed to wear the colours thanks to the growing number of idiots who to be fair are bordering on the line of hooligans. Again a small "missile" was thrown onto the pitch and, in light of the current investigations, the club are likely not only to lose some of this money we haven't even got but precious points as well. Last night might have been a bad day at the Office but every game is becoming worryingly frightening due the "fans".
Due to the actions of a certain gentleman (no actually a drunken, aggressive, arrogant, offensive pillock) wearing a Cas shirt a young girl was left in tears. His inability to refrain from swearing or control his actions offended a number of fellow supporters resulting in him being asked to calm down. he reacted in the only way he knew how - violently and this resulted in the girl being hit quite hard on the back of the head. Suffice to say his photograph is now secure in my phone and will be passed onto the club - not that I expect the yellow bellied officials to act but we can only try to stamp it out if we do something
My message to these so called fans is - WE DO NOT WANT YOU AND WE DO NOT NEED YOU - KEEP AWAY.
My message to the club is - sort the problems out both on the field & off or genuine fans are going to be forced to stop watching.
P.S Rant over