Hope this help with you decisions
I have requested 48 hours, so we will have to decide before 11pm on Wednesday 23rd of December
This is my latest email
Hi Brett.
Thanks for your response, problem is a dearth of players this year, with only 24 in the squad. I've literally a queue of people wanting to sponsor and therefore it would be difficult to hold a number of players.
Easy to hold Will as you've first refusal being existing sponsor.
I've a couple, like Gareth Moore, who I'm waiting for confirmation from last years but mainly the higher profile ones I have are Ed Barber, Ryan Boyle, Connor Robinson and Brandon Moore.
If you can contact your people quickly there's a good change they could choose one of those, if something changes I can keep you updated

Come on Fax Fans.........We don't need your cash right now, just your pledges, you have all season to pay (but sooner rather than later would be better
