I appreciete your loyalty in that not one fax fan thinks you'll lose (who's posted anyway) but average scores and anti fax refs (please) the league table doesn't lie, fev have scored more and conceded less than any other team (even with a few anti fev refs

) and won 11 of 12 games, and included in those results are the current champions away the NRC holders away and the second placed team away. I don't think we're fading we're just getting our tough games out of the way before the other contenders.
I do feel your players will want to prove a point and avenge the thrashing you got at our place but i honestly can't see it with the schedule you've had recently and the paper bag sytem of defending that you have at the club.
I do however think it will be a corker between THE 2 best teams in the division who don't rely on borrowing half of pooper scooper league to get anywhere.
All the best